March 2012
The Writing of Old Guns
Lance Howard
Western Villains
December 2011
New authors
Mike Stotter ebooks
September 2011
Real/Reel Cowboys
Ebooks debate
Serenade for Misfit Lil
June 2011
Lessons from True Grit
Tha Ballad of Jack Martin
Ross Morton beginnings
ABC of Branding
March 2011
Trouble with Misfit Lil
Horse Opera Renaissance
Fargo Creator's Pattern
December 2010
Books for Writers
Read by Jake Douglas
The Talking Wire
September 2010
Joshua Dillard
Paperback Blues
Remington Part 3
June 2010
Imagination in the Saddle
Last word on Blurbs
Remington Part 2
March 2010
Jack Martin #2
Justice and the Western
Frederic Remington
December 2009
Ross Morton
Faith and a Fast Gun
Sex and Violence
Gold Robbery Mystery
September 2009
Steve Hayes
BHE Books
Paul Lederer
Accurate words
June 2009
Jack Martin
Series Heroes
Riding the Range
March 2009
Blast to Oblivion
Tyler Hatch and Twins
Night Herding
Walt Masterson
December 2008
All Guns Blazing
Jim Bowden & Co.
Revolver Conversions
September 2008
Western Noir
Power of the Premise
West on Wheels
June 2008
Plot or Not Debate
Jack Giles
Whitney Revolver
March 2008
Walt Masterson
Plotters and Pantsers
More Horse Talk
December 2007
Peace at Any Price
Dan Claymaker
Horse Sense
(For links to editions March 2006 to September 2007, please go via December 2011)
Black Horse Extra appeared as a quarterly online magazine for six years
from March 2006. It promoted the western genre and the work
of authors published by Robert Hale Ltd in the Black Horse Western
series of hardback novels sold mainly to the UK public lending
Today, most of the active authors run personal blogs and websites.
Links to some can be found lower in the column to the right, while
editions of Black Horse Extra can be accessed using the links to the
Lately, the number of hardback books published monthly has
been reduced and readers have been offered more modestly priced
ebooks online. BHW titles are now widely available in digital format
from Robert Hale
and several other companies, including Piccadilly Publishing,
Western Trail Blazer, Western Fictioneers Library, and Black Horse Extra Books. Excerpts can be
read (and the books conveniently downloaded) at Amazon and other
ebook retailers.
"Jim Hunter and Matt Harrison are best friends and the owners of the
once-thriving Double H ranch in Trinity Creek, Texas. Their
cowpunchers have heeded the call of the Civil War and now they are
trying to keep the enterprise afloat in lean times. It does not help
that the Double H’s cattle is a frequent target for rustlers and
that the sole remaining member of their crew is disabled
Mexican-American War veteran Walter Burridge.
"When the raiders take their pillaging a step further and burn the
ranch to the ground, killing Old Walt in the process, the partners
have no option but to leave the area and look for a job in the
nearby port city of Brownsville. Matt and Jim soon realize that the
war has also exerted its toll on the once-busy border town as work
is hard to come by. Matt, a Union sympathizer, joins the Northern
Army while the pro-Confederacy Jim chooses to stick around. He soon
hooks up with the sensuous Lena-Marie Baptiste and her brother Raoul
whom, among other business ventures, smuggle guns for the southern
"Peace at Any Price by Chap O'Keefe is the quintessential
action-packed Western .... Sparsely written and at times
frantically-paced, it introduces the characters with a few broad
strokes and then wastes no time in pitting them against all sorts of
challenges. Jim returns from the war but the Double H and Trinity
Creek no longer feel like home, not in the least because his former
darling Alice Cornhill has married someone else in the interim. Fate
leads him right back to the Baptistes, their dubious business
concerns and a face-to-face encounter with the ruthless Woodson
Waldrop, the man he suspects burnt down the Double H.
"In this age of bloated techno-thrillers and three-page chapters
designed not to upset MTV-addled attention spans, Peace at Any Price
is a refreshing story that delivers genuine, non-stop entertainment
... highly recommended."
– Saddlebums Western Review
A Kindle ebook available from Amazon HERE
OR depending on country of residence and other factors, the
Smashwords edition HERE may be a preferable option. Available formats: epub,
mobi (Kindle), pdf, rtf, lrf, pdb, txt
San Francisco was hot. Too hot for troubleshooter Joshua Dillard
after a vice lord drew a gun on him in a ritzy Russian Hill parlor
house and he was obliged to blast him down with his Peacemaker. So
Joshua brought forward a railroad trip to the wilds of Colorado
where he had a job lined up for him by a mysterious Leigh Jordan, of
New York City. In Colorado he was soon embroiled in more bloody
mayhem, this time with hostile attorney Walt Sloane and his thugs.
Enter a femme fatale needing his unorthodox services, take a ride
into the rugged foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and Joshua was
soon neck-deep in deception, deviancy, and murderous gunfire. The
facts that emerged concerning an abusive father, his adopted
daughter, and a contestable Manhattan inheritance fell into place to
tell an ugly story...
"Western gold. The Archive urges readers to support
the creative community by paying the meagre price for the book ... we can
guarantee you a damn good read. O'Keefe is a master of the genre." – Gary
Dobbs/Jack Martin at the Tainted Archive
"Joshua has to put it all together, survive several
murder attempts, and help a young woman stuck in the middle. As always, author
Chap O'Keefe gives us a fast-moving western tale and a satisfying read."
– Randy Johnson at Big Daddy's Place
A Kindle eBook available from Amazon HERE.
Where was Emily
Greatheart? The pretty young lady from Denver had gone to
Arizona to meet her dead fiancé's mother and vanished. Only a
bloodstained jacket was found in an abandoned spring buggy
hired from the Pike's Crossing livery stable. Emily was the
daughter of Big Jack Greatheart, ex-marshal and one-time tamer
of brawling boom-towns.
But Big Jack lay in his bed in Colorado, frustratingly
crippled by arthritis
and a skeleton of his former self. So he called on
ex-Pinkerton detective Joshua Dillard. Joshua followed a cold
and hot impulses into battle against ambitious cattleman Bart
Waller and
his gun-handy, womanizing son, Vincent. No wonder he was soon
up to his reckless
neck in two-fisted, lead-slinging trouble!
usual, Chap O'Keefe (who's really veteran author and editor Keith Chapman,
as most of you already know) spins this tale in terse, no-nonsense prose
and skillfully throws in enough plot twists to keep things racing along to
a powerful climax. Joshua Dillard is a fine character, a dogged investigator
who's plenty tough when he needs to be, and his own tragic background adds
a touch of poignancy to his adventures. I've probably said this before, but
fifty years ago these books would have made good Gold Medal paperbacks or
Double D hardbacks.” – James Reasoner
“I always enjoy a skillfully written cross-genre novel.
Chap O'Keefe's Sons and Gunslicks is a Western/Mystery that
manages to hit the right notes in both genres.... Dillard himself is a great character, almost a frontier Mike
Hammer, who doesn't take crap off anyone and isn't above beating
up thugs for information when ratiocination fails. He's also a
standup guy who's looking out for those who can't look after
themselves, the classic tough/tender sleuth in a Stetson and duster.” – Charles Rutledge
A Kindle eBook available from Amazon HERE.
Paid to mind other folks’ business, Joshua Dillard did it with a .45
Colt Peacemaker. But he also had a mission of his own, and when Butch
Simich and his bunch stuck up the stage from Tucson he swung into
vengeful action. Stirring it along came Dorothy-May Pennydale, spirited
daughter of a whiskey-soaked way station boss. And in the thick of it
from the start was Clement P. Conway from New York City, hack writer of
dime novels – a greenhorn with guts plunging out of his depth. The fight
led into treacherous territory, up against rogue marshal Virgil Lyons
and saloonkeeper Dice Sanders, whose greed for women and money produced
mayhem ... and the most violent gun battle the one-horse town of
Hellyer’s Creek had ever seen!
O’Keefe has assembled a terrific set of characters for this Joshua Dillard
novel that begins with a stagecoach robbery and then never lets up with action
until the end ... Dillard isn’t above making mistakes, and after being captured
by the stage robbers he’s left in a 'how’s he going to get out of this situation?'
that will keep any reader turning the pages to discover the answer. Shootout at Hellyer’s Creek
should appeal to all those who enjoy traditional westerns filled with non-stop
action, and at just under $3.00 / £2.00 how can you afford not to give
this a try?” – Steve M at Western Fiction Review
A Kindle eBook available from Amazon HERE.

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